Peace & Harmony Solutions, Inc.
Customizing Marketing, Visual Design and Business Strategies
- We all know Rudolph has a red nose. Does he have antlers?
- 28. Who wrote “A Christmas Carol”
- 2. What famous hotel magnet was born December 25, 1887?
- In 1962, the U.S. Postal System first did what?
- What colour are the berries of the mistletoe plant?
- Whitney Houston had this #1 song during Christmas 1992?
1). Yes. 2). Charles Dickens. 3). Conrad Hilton. 4). Issued first Christmas stamp. 5). White. 6). “I Will Always Love You”.
Wikepedia sites the American Greeting Card Association (The Association) on the origin of greeting cards. The Association traces the origin of sending cards back to ancient Chinese culture, who celebrated the New Year through the exchange of goodwill messages. By the early 1400’s Europe adapted the tradition of sending handmade paper greetings. According to The Association, “the first known published Christmas card appeared in London in 1843, when Sir Henry Cole hired artist John Calcott Horsley to design a holiday card that he could send to his friends and acquaintances. ” Investigate the story for yourself at the American Greeting Card Association and Wikepedia.