
Register for the Small Business Expo
Small Business Entrepreneur Expo Join 3,000 entrepreneurs and top business leaders for a FREE day of expert business workshops and networking. Over 30 Workshops and Classes Expo Information Date: Friday, October 3rd, 2014 Location: UIC Forum (Halsted / Roosevelt)...
Show that you care, send holiday greetings of joy!
Greeting Cards are the perfect way to celebrate the year. It's that time of year. Expressions of love, friendship and appreciation surround us all. Carry on the tradition of sending greeting cards with personalized messages. Family, friends and businesses all use...
5-Steps To Improve Your Holiday Business
It’s very important to know your audience. Is your customer online, offline or some combination of both? Online Offline 01 Create holiday focused e-mails but don’t forget to include a call to action. A call to action can be a register to win campaign or forward to a...
Your chance to reach more than 3,000 of Chicago’s best and brightest business people
The 2013 Small Business Entrepreneur Expo is just around the corner with exceptional activities and informative sessions for small businesses. Join Peace & Harmony Solutions, Inc. along with 3,000 other entrepreneurs and top business leaders for a FREE day of...
Get Creative with PPC
Recently, Google made improvements to its extension capabilities and the ease with which extensions can be managed in the Adwords dashboard. Call Extensions allow you to display your phone number in your ad. Smartphone users can click to call from their mobile...
The Ultimate Disrupter is At It Again
Fortune magazine called founder, Jeff Bezos, the ultimate disrupter when he was chosen as its 2012 Businessperson of the Year. Last week, Bezos bought The Washington Postnewspaper, a premier brand in the content world, for $250 million. In a memo...
SEO Spreads the Word
SEO and Social Media is not an event but a process — SEO is a collection of methods that help search engines find your website more often. Like a game the goal is to get a high ranking, to appear the highest on the search engines’ list. Your business, organization,...
Empowerment Reception
“Ever since I was a child I had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential.” - Bruce Lee Mentors, coaching and networking, find your own personal board...
What is Project Based Learning? By Buck Institute for Education | 18 Commercial Boulevard | Novato, CA 94949 |Phone: 415.883.0122 Email: For the past 22 years, the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) has worked with school districts and networks,...
Print is still a viable solution for companies
With the use of the Internet and social media skyrocketing that is the question that many marketing professionals have been debating. Many small businesses have completely transitioned their marketing initiatives to the Internet due to the cost effectiveness, exposure...